Friday, November 23, 2012

Triangle in Undirected Graph


Given an undirected graph, design a O(V*E) algorithm to detect whether there is a triangle in the graph or not.


The idea of the algorithm comes from Manber's book. The central observation is that in order to form a triangle, say (i, j, k), then the corresponding rows of the first two vertices i and j should have both 1 on the k-th column. We can simply do a linear intersection to check this. However, in addition, we have to check that vertex i appears in the j-th row and vice versa. Using adjacency matrix, the complexity is then O(V^3), with V being the number of vertices. For sparse matrix, a O(V*E) algorithm is more efficient. Instead of using adjacency matrix, we now use adjacency lists. We can do the intersection using a procedure similar to merge-sort. More specifically, we perform the following:
  1. sort all the adjacency lists
  2. for each two pair of vertices
    1. intersects the edges to find common end points
    2. meanwhile check whether the pair is an edge
To see such an algorithm is O(V*E), we have to notice that each adjacency list has been intersected with all other V-1 adjacency lists. If we denote by \(L_i\) the length of the adjacency list incident on node i, then the total intersection time is: $$\Sigma_i (V-1)L_i = (V-1)\Sigma_i L_i = (V-1)E$$ We also notice that the cost of sorting the adjacency lists are: $$\Sigma_i L_ilog(L_i) \leq \Sigma_i L_ilog(E) = ElogE$$ To sum up the complexity is O(ElogE+V*E) = O(V*E).


class Graph{
  List<Integer > [] adjLists; // adjacency lists
  int n; // size of graph

boolean containsTriangle(Graph g) {
  // sort all adjacency lists in arrays
  Integer[][] arrays = new Integer[g.n][];
  for (int i = 0; i < g.n, i++) {
    arrays[i] = g.adjLists[i].toArray(new Integer[0]);
  // iterate all pairs
  for (int i = 0; i < g.n; i++) {
   for (int j = i + 1; j < g.n; j++) {
     // test intersection and connectivity
     int pi = 0;
     int pj = 0;
     boolean intersected = false;
     while (pi < arrays[i].length && pj < arrays[j].length) {
       if (arrays[i][pi] == arrays[j][pj]) {
         intersected = true;
       else if (arrays[i][pi] < arrays[j][pj]) {
       else { 

     // check connectivity by checking whether i is in list of j
     boolean connected = false;
     for (Integer k : arrays[j]) {
       if (k == i) { 
         connected = true;
       else if (k > i) {

     if (intersected && connected) return true; // early return
  return false;

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